Saturday, January 25, 2020

Dice Trays

I've been playing DnD with my bf and some of our friends. I decided to make little dice rolling trays I saw on Pinterest. They'll be getting them next session (they have no idea!). I think it'll go over well.

Below is how I did it!

First I went to JoAnn's to pick out cloth. I love the Fat Quarters they sell for quilting. They're a great way to get a lot of small bits of cloth for a good price.

First I went to JoAnn's to pick out cloth. I love the Fat Quarters they sell for quilting. They're a great way to get a lot of small bits of cloth for a good price. 

I chose two types of cloth for each tray I wanted to make. 

They were bigger than I remembered, so I ended up using only a 4th of the cloth, in as square as I could get (I don't measure, remember?) 

I had bought iron-on interfacing. I ironed the interfacing to one of the pieces of cloth for each. I originally ironed it on to the cloth I wanted on the bottom. I later decided that was not ideal, and if I do it again, I'd iron it onto the inside/top cloth instead. 

Look at these adorable dragons! 


Then I cut the edges so they were straighter. 

I also ironed the sides I wasn't putting interfacing on, to get rid of the folds as much as I could.

I really enjoyed the shiny cloth I found. It didn't photograph as well as I'd hoped, but trust me. It was pretty! 

Next up was edging. I debated long and hard how to sew the edges, and ended up deciding on a surge stitch so that I didn't have to hem edges.  


The snaps were next, and the hardest. 
Here, you see my old-school snap tools that involved a hammer and a cutting board. 
I was making a total of 12 of these trays. With 4 sets of snaps each. Each snap has 4 parts, two combinations... 

About halfway through, I was really really annoying at snaps in general, and wondering why on earth I decided to do this. 

I ended up taking a break of a few days. I also bought a new tool! 

This tool was about $30 but it made snaps SO MUCH EASIER. 
I was excited! 

Had to use a pin to poke the holes out after each one.... Lol! 

But look how pretty they are with the new tool.

Easy peasy. 

Some final examples.

I bought a "bag of holding" full of dice on Amazon, and sorted all the pretty colors... 

Ta-da! Dice trays. 

Gave them out to half my dnd group (we weren't all present last session!).
The boys' comments:
 "Oh, cool!" 
"For rolling dice?"
"Or, when we aren't playing, for putting coins, etc!"
"...Or if you spray it with that water proofing you can eat soup out of it!" 
"...only you..."
Ofc that last comment was my bf.  Hahaha.

Successful project, overall. 

Hope you enjoyed! 

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