Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Cactus Fruit!

For Halloween my bf and I decided to do a couples costume, but wanted to do something out of the ordinary. We thought about Pokemon, but finally decided on something dear to our hearts... Cactus!

He would be the Cactus, and I would be the Fruit!

I love Prickly Pear anything! And one of our first dates was harvesting Prickly Pear fruit from a bush on the property I was living in.

The bush we harvested!

So I decided to make some costumes based on a few Pinterest ideas! 

Here's the photos of making them: 

First, I scoured craft stores for fake cacti. It was harder than I thought. 
Hobby Lobby had the best options. 

Bought some cheap blank headbands and wrapped them in florist tape. 

Then the hot glue gun came out to play! 

I cut all the stems off the cacti and arranged them as I felt best. 

Tada! This was mine. That tall cactus was HEAVY. 
It took a lot of glue (and fell off early in the evening). 

This was the one I made for my bf! 
I took a flower and glued it to the top of the cactus, to look like a cactus flower.

Next came the clothing part. I had seen pictures using both pipe cleaners and yarn. 
The BF wanted me to use yarn, but I was determined to use pipe cleaners.
It looked easier to glue them on. 
So I cut up the white pipe cleaners into tiny bits and 
made little V's and glued them all over the dress I bought for me, 
and the shirt and pants I bought for him.

The costumes looked amazing. 

But G was right. They were pokey. Hugs were hard. 
And multiple people hurt their hands on them at once point or another in the night.

It was hilarious, though. 

Worth it. 

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