Sunday, February 12, 2017

OLW: February

If you didn't see my first post on this blog, I'm doing Ali Edward's One Little Word this year.

My word is Listen.

I'm going to share my experiences with the process on here every month (to the best of my ability, without making it a how-to for her class, because that would be rude!).

February's prompt is about follow-through. Choosing something and sticking to it.

This resonates, because we've been using Character Strong in Leadership class and their first unit (I have the supplemental curriculum and love it!) is about commitment. And, as a class, we didn't do very well on committing and follow through. (I'll try it again with next year's class -- we're moving on to Patience).

Now, the intent was to commit to doing something every day for the entire month of February (and there are reflection prompts with it).

I just logged in to see the prompt today, so I'm a bit behind. But that's ok. Starting today, I'm going to (try) to commit and complete my goal for 30 days.

I had set aside the first weekend in February to stay home by myself and work on my prompt, but I was needed by my family and had to go home that weekend.

So I'm starting now!

Ali reminds us that it's ok to keep going if you miss a day.

Now, the obvious choice it seems would be something fitness related. And I did just get a new Fitbit. But, I think it's important to try to connect it with my word.

I thought about doing workouts, and about journaling (which is closer to fitting, I think) but I ended up on something different.

I've been using a lot of "screen-time" lately. I usually have the TV on while I craft, and I've even been reading books on my Kindle App on my phone or iPad lately.

I thought about making it cross stitching, but to be honest, I usually watch TV while I do that.

I thought about making sure I get outside for a bit, but it's the rainy season still.

Then it came to me.

I'm super bad at remembering to read my bible. I pray daily, but I don't go to the words. Likewise, I tend to read more fiction and novels, than anything else.

So I made it my intention to read one prayer or poem every day.

Here's how it will look in the album when I finish.

But for now, the chart isn't in there.

It's on my fridge so I can keep track.

These are the books I'm going to read from.

Here was today's prayer. 

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